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The 2nd field study for baseline survey of the project in Ecuador
Title The 2nd field study for baseline survey of the project in Ecuador
Date 2016-11-28

The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS, President Seung-Hun Chun) dispatched experts to perform result-based management service of the second phase project of the KOICA Project, “The Project for the Las Abras Irrigation System Improvement and Rural Development in Chimborazo, Ecuador” to Quito and Chimborazo, Ecuador, for ten days from October 13 to October 22. They visited the project target site, where they held a “Kick-off Meeting,” and determined the final design proposal and construction site for irrigation waterways.

During the business trip, the following criteria were discussed: reports on the kick-off and progress of local PC (Project Contractor) operations; major factors of the project in the project target area (irrigation waterways, agricultural facilities (greenhouses), microfinancing); reconfirm indicators; and selecting training facilities (water management, agriculture, livestock).

The kick-off meeting was held on October 19 at a conference room in the office building of the Provincial Council of Chimborazo. The meeting began with Diego Moncayo’s opening address, greeting remarks by Myongjin Kim, the director of the KOICA Ecuador office team, and a welcoming address by Transito Lluco. Afterward, Project Manager Yoo Gi Hee from SNU R&DB Foundation gave a presentation about the project; EkoRural gave their report on the baseline study results; and the Provincial Council of Chimborazo introduced the projects on irrigation waterways and agriculture. After the aforementioned presentations, there was a question and answer session for presenters and 198 residents of the project area attending the meeting. The kick-off meeting came to a successful close with an appreciation speech given by the chairman of the Central Board of Irrigation of the Las Abras Irrigation District.

“The Project for the Las Abras Irrigation System Improvement and Rural Development in Chimborazo, Ecuador” aims: the installment of a 9 km extension of the primary canal and lining; microfinance operations for three target communities in Chimborazo (San Pablo, Josefina I, Josefina II); and agricultural technique training.

KDS in consortium with the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) has been conducting the KOICA Project, “Integral Result-Based Management Service for Rural Development Projects in the Latin American Region” from 2015 to 2017.

**KDS in consortium with the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) is carrying out the KOICA Project, ‘Integral Result-Based Management Service for Rural Development Projects in the Latin American Region*' from Dec. 2014 to Feb. 2017.


'Integral Result-Based Management Service for Rural Development Projects in the Latin American Region' is aimed at verifying the effectiveness and increasing the quality of the ongoing agricultural projects of KOICA in Latin American countries; i) To secure the consistency in the process of agricultural development projects in Latin American countries; ii) To create a synergy effect by sharing the knowledge and experience of each project, and increase the overall quality of the agricultural development projects in Latin American countries

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