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KDS Stories


KDS Stories

[Saemaeul Undong(SMU) Project of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Paraguay] 2nd Phas

Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) has successfully completed its first kick-off mission for the 'SMU Project of Sustainable Agriculture and Rur....

[KOICA Project for Vocational Training Center] The 2nd dispatch to Fergana, Uzbekistan

Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) dispatched experts to the Uzbekistan, which is already 2nd time after the first kick-off trip in last October....

Training program in Uganda for Capacity development of Lecturers of Nationa Agricultural Extension C

(Kampala, Uganda) Korea Institute for Development Strategy(KDS), in consortium with World Canaan Farmers’ Movement(WCM), planned and supervised the “Tra....

Development Cooperation Capacity Building (Ghana) - Project Management Course (2nd Year)

  The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) has successfully conducted the 'Development Cooperation Capacity Building (Ghana)-Project Manageme....

Capacity Enhancement of Economic Planning for Government Officials of Afghanistan(1st Year)

The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) has successfully conducted the 'Capacity Enhancement of Economic Planning' for government officials of Af....

[KOICA Project for Vocational Training Center] The 1st Kick-off Trip to Fergana, Uzbekistan

From October 21 to 27, 2018, Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) was successfully completed the 1st kick-off trip for "The Project of Establishin....

Post-evaluation result sharing workshop for the Korea-Indonesia Joint Project for Adaptation and Mit

Korea Institute for Development Strategy(KDS) (Korea Rural Economic Institute(KREI) consortium), under the supervision of the Korea International Cooperatio....

Result-Sharing Workshop for the MTEF project in Mongolia

On September 7th 2018, Korea Institute for Development Strategy(KDS in short) held the Result-Sharing Workshop for the project "Medium Term Fiscal Planning ....

[Eco-friendly Town Development Project in Mongolia] Business Fair and Ground-breaking ceremony held

(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) Korea Institute for Development Strategy(KDS) dispatched Ms. Ya Ya Kim(Team Manager) and Ms. Seul-A Yi(Programme Officer), as a part....

Capacity Building in the Dominican Republic for the Development of Innovation and Industrial Entrepr

The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) has successfully conducted the 'Capacity Building in the Dominican Republic for the Development of Innova....