Korea Institute for Development Strategy(KDS) has dispatched teams of experts to Erbil, Iraq, as a part of 'The Project for Capacity Building of the Kurdistan Institute for Public Administration(KIPA) in KRG' under the supervision of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
The experts were dispatched two times, from Mar. 24th to April 6th and from April 28th to May 11th respectively. The purpose of the visits was to provide consulting service for KIPA faculty members and HRD operation officers on the training course being conducted and operation of the KIPA, and consulting for KIPA to ensure sustainability.
The Project is aimed at strengthening the capacity of KIPA's independent operational ability during the period of December 2013-June 2018.
Since the opening ceremony of the new KIPA campus on December 12th, 2017, KIPA prepared launching the courses and started operation of courses to KRG public officials from February.
Currently, KIPA is the only training institute providing training courses in the public sector in KRG, so that there are demands of additional training courses. All staff and faculty members of KIPA have pride for KIPA being the main training institute of KRG.
The Minister of Planning, Dr. Ali Sindi expressed a sincere gratitude to the PM of the project, prof. Kyung-bae Park, the vice president of KDS, for the successful implementation of the Project and promised to secure the budget for the sustainable operation of KIPA.