Yangon and Naypyitaw, Myanmar) Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) has dispatched a team (M&E expert, Project Management officer and Project Action Officer) to Yangon and Naypyitaw, Myanmar for eight days, from September 29th to October 6th with the purpose of planning a final evaluation as well as a high-level dissemination event of the "Saemaul Undong Project in Myanmar", which is funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
During the dispatch, the team has conducted close consultations with KOICA Myanmar office, the Project contractor (PC) and the Department of Agriculture (DoA), in order to identify the progress and the remaining tasks of the project as well as to plan the final evaluation of the project. Additionally the team also explored ways to disseminate the result of the project with main stakeholder and as a result, it is decided that KOICA and DoA will jointly host a high-level event entitled "Myanmar-Korea Agriculture & Rural Development Forum: Beyond Myanmar SMU Project" on Thursday, December 12th 2019, with Excellency the State Counsellor, the Minister of several department and stakeholder of the project, while KDS, as a Project Management(PM) agency, will design the event for successful hosting.
Meanwhile, the project, which is set to end in 2020, was highly praised by the two leaders of Moon Jae-in(12th President of South Korea) and Aung San Suu Kyi(Excellency the State Counsellor of Myanmar) in a joint press statement issued on September 3rd, 2019, saying that "Saemaul Undong Project (SMU Project) in Myanmar has become a exemplary case for cooperations between the two countries".
The project aims to spread the rural development movement based on the Saemaul modality, and KDS has been carrying out project planning and performance management as a PM agency of the project since 2015.