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[Dispatch] Mid-term Performance Sharing Forum for Vietnam EE&GG Project
Title [Dispatch] Mid-term Performance Sharing Forum for Vietnam EE&GG Project
Date 2024-04-18

The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) attended the Mid-term Performance Sharing Forum held in Hanoi, Vietnam on December 12, 2023. This project is executed through a tripartite consortium comprising KDS, the Korea Energy Agency (KEA), and the Korea Research Institute on Climate Change (KRIC). The consortium's objective is to enhance the energy efficiency investment market in Vietnam's industrial sector and to support the implementation of the country's National Green Growth Action Plan.


This forum served to review the progress made in the fields of Energy Efficiency (EE) and Green Growth (GG), and to share future plans with all stakeholders. KDS presented the results of the EE invitation training conducted for trainers and the current status of the EE curriculum development. Additionally, the progress of the GG curriculum development and the results of the local training were discussed. Alongside this, KDS shared the current status of performance management, including achievements in various indicators, thus providing a comprehensive update on the project’s progress.


Furthermore, on December 13, 2023, KDS held a local workshop in Vietnam to gather experts’ opinions for the development of the EE curriculum, which includes energy management and energy audit. Thirty-two experts in energy efficiency from Korea and Vietnam attended this workshop, where they proposed various ideas for revising the curriculum. The revised version of the Vietnamese energy efficiency curriculum, collaboratively developed by experts from both countries, is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2024. Local training based on the revised curriculum is planned for the second half of the year.

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