KDS 메인페이지

  • [Project Activities] Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCEIndonesia and Timor-Leste

  • [Project Activities] Baseline Survey Conducted to Measure the Capacity ImprovemeVietnam

  • [Project Activities] Preliminary Survey Mission for Formulation of Mid to Long-TSri Lanka

  • KOICA Leads Triangular Cooperation in Livestock Sector Between Laos and Vietnam라오스

  • [Project Activities] PCP development mission for Formulation of Mid to Long-Term스리랑카

  • PHilMech researchers Korean 3D simulation practical skill certification필리핀

  • Conducts Roll-Out Training and Monitoring for the VAW Guideline in Lao PDR

  • [Dispatch] Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) Hosts WorkshopCommemorating Establishment of National Center for GEVAW Center in Vientiane

  • [Ceremony] ICT Lab Opening Ceremony in Cambodia

  • [Ceremony] ICT Lab Opening Ceremony in Cambodia

  • What's New

    [Project Activities] Accelerating..

    The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS), led by President Ki-Deok Shin and Project Manager Hongmin Chun, organized a team of three performance management experts and three sector experts in energy, climate change, and community development to conduct the terminal evaluation of the "ACCE..

  • What's New

    [Project Activities] Baseline Sur..

    The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS, President Ki-Deok Shin), conducted a baseline survey over the past year to measure the performance of capacity-building missions in the field of Energy Efficiency (EE) as part of the "Promoting Energy Efficiency Investment Market in the Industrial..

  • What's New

    [Project Activities] Preliminary ..

    The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) conducted a mission from 25th November to 16th December, 2024 as part of the KOICA "Formulation of Mid to Long-term projects based on KOICA’s climate action program for Sri Lanka" to carry out a preliminary survey for the identified project, "Es..

  • What's New

    [Project Activities] PCP developm..

    The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS) conducted the PCP development mission as part of the KOICA "Formulation of Mid to Long-term projects based on KOICA’s climate action program for Sri Lanka" project in August 2024. The purpose of the mission was to share program plan draft, final..

  • What's New

    [Project Activities] In-Country P..

    The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (hereafter referred to as KDS) has been conducting the ‘KOICA’s Project for Strengthening Performance Management System of the Civil Service of Mongolia’, with the aim of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration of Mongo..

  • What's New

    [Project Activities] Sector study..

    The Korea Institute for Development Strategy (hereafter referred to as KDS) has conducted the sector study mission for 3 sectors(renewable energy, sustainable transport, e-waste management) in June 2024 as the task of ‘Formulation of mid to long-term projects based on the KOICA’s Climate Actio..

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